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Video: 3:32

Dr. Mark DeBrincat and Jay Dhaliwal CEO & Founder of VoxxLife share information on how the VoxxLife HPT Patch works. HPT brings our brain function to homeostasis so our Central Nervous System can function at a much higher level. Dr. DeBrincat is Vice President of Clinical Strategies for VoxxLife and is using a QEEG to demonstrate how quickly HPT brings our brain into homeostasis, improving our brain function.

Voxx HPT Human Performance Technology

Take a look at any of our products and you'll find Voxx HPT, a special tactile pattern that activates neuroreceptors on parts of your body to reduce aches and pains. In short: it keeps you feeling your best so you can achieve more everyday

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VoxxLife HPT & Your Brain

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Video: 5:58


Dr. Mark DeBrincat and Dr. Mark Werking share their insights and positive findings on the impact VoxxLife HPT has on brain function and the nervous system. Dr. Mark DeBrincat is Vice President of Clinical Strategies for VoxxLife and Dr. Mark Werking is VoxxLife Medical Advisory Board Chair.

Note: VoxxLife HPT optimizes your brain so it has more capacity to increase our brain's potential in controlling and repairing our bodies - HPT also helps to rebuild your microvascular system if you're taking NuLife Sciences nutrient "Endocalyx". Endocalyx restores your Glycocalyx in your capillaries so the blood can provide oxygen and nutrients to your cells and organs! Diabetics, Endocalyx has shown in studies to restore your kidneys and lower your blood pressure! I know of nothing else which can restore any of these two major medical problems! Endocalyx is the perfect nutrient too take as a preventative for cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, COVID-19 and heart disease.

Discover Amazing Human
Performance Technology!

VoxxLife HPT (Human Performance Technology) has wearable technology which can relieve Diabetic Neuropathy Pain in just minutes, without Drugs, Electrical Stimulation or Surgery.

Voxx HPT Benefits: Users see improvements in Balance, Stability, Power, Stamina, Reaction Time, Pain Relief, Energy, Recovery Time and Posture. In most cases you will feel the difference in One Minute! It just gets better from there!

Amazing Human
Performance Improvements!

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Take a Quick Look at VoxxLife HPT products.

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Read what the Doctors and Research Scientists discovered when they tested Voxx HPT.

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Click Button below to see details of the Research Study with 1000 patients (ages 35-72) on reducing Painful Diabetic Neuropathy using Voxx HPT socks.

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Click Button below to see the amazing results in the Research Study with Athletes. Subjects included thirty (30) professional and collegiate athletes, sixteen (16) American football players; and fourteen (14) professional and collegiate basketball players.

Getting Started with VoxxLife HPT


Video: 2:01

The VoxxLife Brand provides benefits you can feel. VoxxLife Products are backed by Science and Research. The thing VoxxLife users can't stop talking about is their New Pain Free Life and the New Energy They Feel. If you are experiencing foot pain, VoxxLife socks and shoe insoles are the solution to your pain. VoxxLife socks and insoles are 98% effective in providing relief for Plantar Fasciitis and other sources of foot pain.

Science and Research with VoxxLife HPT


Video: 2:09

Here at VoxxLife we take our creditability seriously. Our products and technology have been independently tested and verified. So you can have complete peace of mind knowing world leaders in medicine, wellness and performance trust and recommend VoxxLife Products.

VoxxLife investigated the HPT benefits of helping people with painful diabetic neuropathy. VoxxLife commissioned a 1000 person study that looked at people with adult diabetes and at least a level 4 pain on the Universal Pain Scale. And the results were outstanding, just astounding, 90% reported a reduction in pain and over 70% said the pain was level 2 or less on the Universal Pain Scale. These are life changing improvements in wellness and pain management, no drugs, no surgery. Just amazing pain relief.

VoxxLife partnered with a major golf brand to conduct a double blind study with 72 golfers to measure distance and accuracy improvements wearing VoxxLife Human Performance Technology. The above participants showed a measurable improvements in the following:

  • 31% improvement in Balance and Stability
  • 22% improvement in More Power
  • 17% Improvement in Velocity of Force
  • 17% in Eccentric Force
  • 15º Improvement in Range of Motion
  • 8 times less likely to fall

What is a VoxxLife HPT NeuroVax Patch


Video: 6:13

Dr. Mark DeBrincat explains how the NeuroVax patch helps your brain regulate your immune system. It all starts with your brain improving your blood in just 1 hour. Your overall physiology health starts with your blood.

Wearing the NeuroVax patch helps to brings the brain back to Physiological Homeostasis. Healthy blood chemistry means healthy physiology. Healthy neurology brings back healthy blood. This is all done without drugs or electrical stimulation. So wearing the NeuroVax patch establishes a physiological homeostasis which provides a better neural interaction, equals better chemistry and better biology, thus a stronger and robust immune system. So users of the NeuroVax patch are seeing a better and more functioning blood system, as a result of a better physiological homeostasis.

You may want to use a Voxx HPT NeuroVax patch which strengthens your immune system to help protect your body from the damage COVID-19 causes. COVID-19 doesn't cause much concern for your health if you have a strong immune system and you don't have a severe health issues!

What has the newest Research Discovered about COVID-19

Covid-19 initially was considered as only a respiratory disease and it was unclear why victims experience life-threatening organ failure in organs other than their lungs.

The Lancet, May 2020
COVID-19 "in every blood vessel"

The May 2020 issue of the "The Lancet" states that "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) directly elicits inflammation in blood vessels and that this can lead to organ failure and even death."
—Varga Z, et al. Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19. Lancet (2020 May);395(10234):1417-1418

Click button to download PDF on COVID-Endotheliitis.

Download COVID-Endotheliitis PDF

What is a VoxxLife HPT Rem Patch


Video: 6:13

Dr. Mark DeBrincat talks about the REM Patch. How the REM Patch helps with the 3 stages of sleep. How each stage helps the body and why it is essential for everyone to get a good eight hours of sleep every night, with up to 50% being Deep Sleep. Deep Sleep is essential for the body to heal!! Relying on getting a good nite's sleep on weekends can't possibly make up for lost sleep during the week. Learn how a REM patch can help you get more Deep Sleep for a healthier body.

Note: VoxxLife HPT optimizes your brain so it has more capacity to repair damaged cells - HPT also helps to rebuild your microvascular system if you're taking NuLife Sciences nutrient "Endocalyx". Endocalyx restores your Glycocalyx in your capillaries so the blood can provide oxygen and nutrients to your cells and organs!

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Become a VoxxLife Associate


Video: 1:39

If you wish to purchase VoxxLife products you should consider becoming an Associate. VoxxLife Associate Membership ($50) provides VoxxLife products at wholesale pricing to you for one year, a replicated website, back office portal and the ability to take part in the VoxxLife Compensation Plan. When you demonstrate VoxxLife HPT insoles to your friends they will want it. Because it works in less than a minute! Nobody has to think about purchasing something which is perfectly safe and makes them feel Better Instantly!

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Become a VoxxLife Practitioner

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Join the practitioner network
that is helping improve the
lives of patients worldwide

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We're passionate about helping healthcare professionals improve their patients' quality of life. That's why we offer registered proctitioners preferred pricing on all orders for your practice -- the difference between the price you pay and the retail price is yours and can be used to enhance your practice and more.

Registration also enables access to the vibrant practitioner community, which includes access to practitioner-led discussions and webinars.

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