Basic Mission App is native and no personal information is transmitted to any storage devices. No web accessible applications which store patient records of their in-home diabetes therapy and other health information. We do not store, nor do we have any access to healthcare professionals patient information. At Mission Diabetes, LLC., we understand the seriousness of keeping patient healthcare data private and secure.
Our customers are patients and only healthcare providers are Covered Entities subject to HIPAA regulations. The purpose of this Mission Diabetes HIPAA Statement is to provide an overview for customers of the data security and privacy policies implemented by Mission Diabetes, LLC and followed by Mission Diabetes, LLC employees.
For those customers who are Covered Entities, Mission Diabetes, LLC may function in the capacity of a Business Associate and may store and transmit ePHI on behalf of those Covered Entities.
For all customers, Mission Diabetes, LLC has implemented administrative, physical and technical safeguards consistent with HIPAA Security Standards to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of ePHI. These safeguards include housing servers in physically secure, geographically disperse data centers, protecting servers with firewalls, securing remote connections to servers via 256 bit AES encryption, providing each user with a unique id and password which is required to access ePHI, maintaining system backups, providing redundant systems for failover, and logging all access attempts and system activity. All Mission Diabetes employees are trained to treat patient and provider information received or generated by our systems as confidential and also trained and encouraged to immediately report breaches or suspected breaches of unsecured ePHI.
Mission Diabetes, LLC will take all appropriate measures to prevent the unauthorized use or disclosure of unsecured ePHI and will report to the Covered Entity or other customer any known or suspected unauthorized use or disclosure of which it becomes aware, including information necessary for the customer to meet its breach notification obligations under state or federal law.
Mission Diabetes, LLC will take these and other steps to ensure that ePHI, and other sensitive information or personal data are protected from unauthorized use and disclosure in accordance with applicable law.
This Statement does not list all of Mission Diabetes’s privacy and security policies, procedures and practices. Further, this statement does not constitute a Business Associate Agreement and is not intended to take the place of such an Agreement. Please contact Mission Diabetes, LLC directly for more information.
Miscellaneous Information
Installation Manuals
Affiliate Disclosure
HIPAA Information
Medical Disclaimer
Terms & Conditions
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